Wondering if you’re in the right place? You are! ThirdSide is now Neon Moth. If you’re new here, that might not mean a lot to you. But we wanted to take a minute to connect with the many people who have trusted us with their business over the past decade or so, and make sure they know that we’re still the same people we’ve always been.

As with many other businesses, the pandemic changed the way we operate. Transitioning to a virtual workspace afforded us increased growth in new service areas such as environmental design, custom printing, and web accessibility. With this growth came encounters with other businesses with names similar enough to cause confusion for potential new clients. So, in order to strengthen communication and brand identity, we have decided to rebrand ourselves as Neon Moth.
What exactly is changing?
Primarily, our domain name and email addresses. As of this writing, we have begun the process of sunsetting our “thirdside.co” email addresses. Any emails sent to those addresses will automatically be forwarded to neonmoth.com email addresses for a few months, but not forever. So please update our contact information in your address book as soon as possible. Individual names are not changing; just change the email extension from thirdside.co to neonmoth.com. Easy!
You may see our old name pop up from time to time, but we’re actively working to update that wherever we encounter it. Our corporation name will still be ThirdSide, Inc. with Neon Moth functioning as an assumed name/dba.
What isn’t changing?
Almost everything else. Our physical addresses, our phone numbers, and the people you deal with will all be the same as they have been.
Thank you for continuing to support us as our business evolves into this new identity. We’re excited about this next chapter, and we hope you are, too.